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Senin, 20 Februari 2012


Indonesia people be never able blossom more then now. Indonesian people who true about nation colony former that never can to more blossom again and achievement ascend. Indonesian people our especially indigeneous decided programing with to the stop. No want to change again although the age to many change. Indonesia sure just for like this whatever. Indonesia will not be able to develop further if it’s just such as a strugle spirit.
Indonesia is lose compete.  Not only in the field of human resource development but also in term of utilation of existing natural resource. Indonesia is no longer indigenous to innovate a lot and just wait for a change from any other nation. This nation is too consumptive to be able to take advantage of existing in the country. Even worse, Indonesia has a lot of indigenous people wasting her time to raise money not only to use his best. In addition, the negative effects of instant culture make us more complacent with the development and sophistication of the era.
Can be said that the current Indonesian people lose competitiveness with nations such as the existing immigrant or Chinese ethnic nation or of china, india people, and arab. We are like slaves by those who can utilize their resources. They are capable of processing resources, especially capital resources will certainly be able to survive and even be a winner. But what happened to this nation? This is the opposite. We become messengers or servants in our own nation. We seemed to have no self-esteem compared to other nations.
If we make such a comparison with the Chinese ethnic superior and master's in economics, would be clearly visible a form of defeat us. Below are some comparisons that we can see, why laziness or terlebi again the refrain in making changes actually make our nation mark time.
•    Money
We indigenous people are always constantly and often times act consumptive. We prefer to dispose of our money just to satisfy the desire to shop.  We are not thinking about options for a future. Important to say when full now, whether tomorrow will be like what. But unlike the case with the Chinese ethnic, they would prefer to dress like a beggar modest. No longer buy expensive clothing even in terms of eating anything, they chose to eat at roadside stalls of the restaurant such as indigenous people in Indonesia. They prefer or concerned with the future needs. So, it is not wrong when people tionghoa richer than our society because they are more capable of processing resources especially capital resources at their disposal. They would prefer to save 70-80% of salary or income they earn. Without the knowledge they could have a house even though only a few luxury homes selling small cakes in their bakery.
•    Work
Indigenous people when the weekend arrives we usually will try to use it for vacation and would rather spend the income they have. They tend to be lazy when getting a job at the weekend. Weekend time for them is the time to please yourself and keep away from the routine. Nothing can be done on weekends but refreshing. As on Friday they will think to be so soon after Saturday and holidays when it will arrive on Monday obtained a wrinkled face and dispirited. Where as if requested for additional work or overtime, they will think twice before doing so. Their views are not much additional work supplement their income. Where as that occurred in the Chinese ethnic community, they will actively work on any day. Even when the weekend, if they have the trade which will then let the store open even if not a full one day. They do not want to waste any time just for the holidays.
 Usually they will have a holiday before Christmas, new year and new year china (Lunar), only the less time they spend on just a holiday. There is no difference between the Monday or Saturday, all the same, it is a day to work for them. Where as in the case of additional work or overtime, the Chinese ethnic would tend to prefer to do it. Any salary which would gain from extra work or part time, keep their value and worth is very valuable. No one can stop them to supplement their income. Their passion for getting ahead in terms of employment are not owned by our nation Indonesia.
•    Home
in the house, the native Indonesia is certainly going to make the home who are interested in according to their income. they will buy a few homes for them to live. they will not be much change their mindset. not much really to do so. but from the top of us, would have seen a reflection which is very glamorous and consumptive. not much to live simply with their income. Indigenous people tend to show off what they have and not thought much about how much money in their savings. unlike the case with the Chinese ethnic. many of them are not much to buy a nice house for them to live. they prefer to live in densely populated areas but they are abundant in the savings bank. their simple life even without a lot of polish. they do not want a lot of acting. important business success, no matter where the will to live. it can be said if the Chinese ethnic community tend to be stingy in terms of their spending. but many of those who succeed in business even though only a tiny house and simple.

The conclusions that can be taken here is that when people indonesia (native) are faced with natural resources and abundant human resources, we can not exploit it to best advantage. We will likely spend a lot of our money for something that is really not very valuable. We are too easily satisfied with what we obtained previously. We do not want to try again after our work achieved its purpose. Not even make a new purpose, but just be satisfied with what is in front of our eyes. We are like a chicken when it has acquired the food will stop looking for food. We do not want to put more effort. Waiting for other nations to our new expanded and pursue with envy. Not create something new, which is the product changes us. But if we are able to leverage existing resources. our nation would be able to advance more than english even though Japanese people. only this time we're lulled by the pleasures that exist.
Different case with the ethnic Chinese who live in the country we are. they will fight hard for survival and success in those countries. Not even a burden. Indonesia own race even has a burden for his country. If we can replicate existing ethnic Chinese around us that are not easily satisfied with their achievements. Then we will become a developed country and large.

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